How do ticket through android application track2ticket

how do ticket

As a user, then do the ticket is a daily task, with the ticket given to usernya admin, then the task will be controlled properly. in ticket pre-determined course nothing prepared, go out where, and what is done on location. all of this has been summarized in the ticket given admin / moderator.

In the following video will explain how to do ticket, through android application track2ticket. previously make sure the user is downloading applications track2ticket in PlayStore, and has been joined to its respective. here's how the process : Continue reading “How do ticket through android application track2ticket”

usefulness menu “Places” on page settings


at page settings, track2ticket users will find a menu called “places”. The main function of the menu is to mark places or locations. Why does this need to be done? track2ticket designed to manage tasks simultaneously track the position of crew. So, the function of adding certain locations in places menu is that you get a notification when the crew exit or entrance to one place or location you've marked.

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usefulness menu “Location” The settings page track2ticket


Functions of the menu Location

1. For setting the interval delivery location
When using track2ticket, you will be tracked (track) within a certain time unit. that means your device will transmit location information of your whereabouts every few minutes. On the settings page, was prepared menu “location”. The usefulness of this menu one of which is to organize, every how many minutes the device retrieves information and sends it to the server location. note the following images:

setting location

In the green box above, several options are available for you to send your location to a server. How should you choose? is tailored to the needs of you and your team. If you and your team need to detail and accuracy of your location, then choose 10 seconds s.d 1 minutes. but this would result in wasteful use your batery. If you or your team are not so need you then choose the location accuracy 5 s.d 15 minute, and your battery is not wasteful. Continue reading “usefulness menu “Location” The settings page track2ticket”

How to Force Sync Data

Average data synchronization in track2ticket

How to Force Sync Data

Sync = Synchronization is a process of adjustment data from one media to another media. The data referred on here can be various, for example, image data that you upload in Track2Ticket, locations, time, your customer data, etc. Then, media on here is between Track2Ticket with other platforms to sync, namely server. Continue reading “How to Force Sync Data”

Assign Ticket To My User

In the Track2Ticket application, you can assign ticket to your User. Actually how to create a ticket to your Users is similar as creating a ticket to yourself. The difference is only in layout position, that is in the Users menu. How to create a ticket to your User such as :

  • Open Track2Ticket application and sign in with your Google account.

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How to Create a Contact List

How to Create a Contact List

Contact is a list of your partner or your customer information details such as name, address, and phone numbers of your contacts, they partner or customer etc. To creating contact, you have to determine the location of partner or customer on the page of creating ticket (create ticket). Here are how to create your contact list in Track2Ticket : Continue reading “How to Create a Contact List”