Is Must Pay Employees Working Equipment Costs If Damaged?

In this day and age many companies provide working facilities for employees. For example in the form of vehicle, computer, smartphone, shoe, uniform, safety equipment, etc. Amenities work is given with the intent to support the work. There are several work stations are required by the company, depending on the type or field of work employees. For example, for the network engineer in the field. They were equipped with safety equipment such as helmets, shoe, and the seat belt in order to minimize accidents in the workplace when they climb the pole or tower, they.

Then how if working facilities are damaged? Or even disappear? Should the employee pay?

When the work equipment is damaged or missing, it means that the company loses money. If an employee accidentally damage equipment, Companies can not ask him to pay for replacement equipment. Then what if the accidental loss? Many companies ask for a letter from the police lost and ask the cost penalties. But there are also companies only ask for a letter from the police lost and waive penalties or compensation to employees.

Is Must Pay Employees Working Equipment Costs If Damaged?

The Company reserves the right to ask for a fine or compensation to employees if the condition “intentional”. Or it could be because “negligence” employees resulting in lost or damaged facilities. Perusahaan memiliki pilihan untuk mengurangi gaji dari karyawan, termasuk gaji terakhir untuk biaya denda atau ganti rugi.

Jika perusahaan ingin membuat karyawan bertanggung jawab untuk menanggung biaya perbaikan atau kehilangan peralatan, maka perusahaan harus memberi tahu karyawan tersebut secara tertulis. Simpan salinan pernyataan yang telah ditandatangani di arsip karyawan.

All things related to facilities given to the employees should have been deposited in the company regulations. Make sure everything is in accordance with the law and labor law is still valid.